Belonging: A Teen Process Group
The teenage years are a period of profound challenge, development, and change. The unique developmental milestones and stressors that teens go through can often leave them feeling isolated and overwhelmed. This teen process group is a confidential place that can provide your adolescent with the space to connect with peers over shared life experiences, gain support from each other, and help them engage with their life outside of the group with confidence and self-assurance.
– Louise J. Kaplan
What is a teen process group?
A process group is a place for your teen to experience acceptance and camaraderie, no matter what they are going through. In a process group, group members practice sharing what they think and feel with others who are trying to do the same. There are no “planned” or pre-determined topics. Instead, teens share what is actively on their minds and what they are going through at that time and receive support and feedback from other teens. The group also provides a place where teens are able to try something new, such as providing feedback to another group member about something that they said or bravely sharing something they have kept to themselves for a long time. Whatever your teen may be going through, there is a place for them in this group.
What are topics that might be talked about in this group?
Topics discussed in an interpersonal process group will vary depending on what group members happen to be going through at that time or what they choose to bring up with the group! However, here are some frequent topics that may be discussed or that frequently bring teens to a process group:
- Difficulty making or keeping friends
- Life transitions (changes in family dynamics, planning for adulthood, etc.)
- Identity formation
- Anxiety/social anxiety
- Depression
- Difficult past experiences
How can group therapy help my teen?
A benefit of group therapy versus individual therapy is that it can help your teenager begin to see that they are not alone. It is easy for teenagers (and all people) to feel like their problems make them unique or bad and it is encouraging to hear that there are others with similar experiences and difficulties. Group therapy provides a safe and trusted space for teens to learn that they are not alone and to seek support from others.
Another benefit of group therapy is that group members have the opportunity to learn about how they come across to each other. As adolescence is a key time of identity exploration and development, teenagers often struggle to understand how they are perceived by others and why they react to things the way that they do. Your teen will be encouraged to challenge themselves, to look at their reactions to others, and to understand more fully who they are as a social being and as a growing individual. Group therapy provides a unique opportunity for your teen to learn about their interpersonal style, try on new ways of interacting with others, and to receive honest, direct feedback about how they come across in a safe and caring environment.
What if my teen might feel uncomfortable sharing?
It is totally understandable to feel nervous about sharing personal information with a new group of people. There is no pressure for your teen to share anything that they don’t feel comfortable with or to share anything sooner than they are ready for. While sharing is encouraged, group members can learn a great deal by simply observing others’ interactions and hearing others share about how they are working through their own life experiences.
Day & Time: Wednesdays 7:30-8:00 PM
Cost: $80 per session
Location: Carlsbad Village (2564 State St, Suite B, Carlsbad, CA 92008)
Type: Interpersonal process group, open, ongoing
Members: Maximum of eight participants, minimum of three. Ages 14-18
Led by: Julia Avila, PhD
Minimum commitment two months