Child + Adolescent Therapy


Children and adolescents face unique challenges right now. Get them the support they need today.

As a compassionate and dedicated team of child psychologists, we understand the unique challenges that children and teenagers face in today’s complex and connected world. Our therapy is designed to provide a supportive environment where young individuals can explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to make changes that work well for them. 

Why Child + Adolescent Therapy?

Children and teenagers often encounter a variety of issues and stressors that can impact their emotional well-being and development. These may include academic pressures, social challenges, family conflicts, bullying, trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, and behavioral concerns, among others. Therapy provides a space where young individuals can openly express themselves, learn coping strategies, build resilience, and develop healthy ways of navigating life’s ups and downs.

Our Approach

We work hard to really get to know each kid and teen that we see, so we can best understand what is happening in their life and how to best help them. Children and teens have a lot of adults telling them what to do and it takes having a strong and trusting relationship to create the most positive change in a person’s life.  Our child psychologists are highly skilled in evidence-based techniques, such as attachment-informed psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), play therapy, expressive arts therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, exposure and response prevention (ERP), and family therapy. We collaborate closely with parents and caregivers to ensure continuity of care and support the child or teen’s progress both in and outside of therapy sessions.

Our Offerings

We offer a range of therapy services tailored to meet the needs of children and teenagers, including:

  • Individual Therapy: One-on-one sessions provide a confidential space for young individuals to explore their thoughts, emotions, and challenges with in making behavioral changes.
  • Family Therapy: Family dynamics play a crucial role in a child or teen’s well-being. Family therapy sessions aim to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships within the family system.
  • Play Therapy: Particularly effective for younger children, play therapy utilizes play as a means of expression and communication, allowing children to process emotions and experiences in a developmentally appropriate way.
  • Teen Counseling: Adolescence can be a tumultuous time marked by identity exploration and transitions. Teen counseling offers a supportive environment for adolescents to navigate issues such as peer pressure, self-esteem, body image, and relationships.
  • Group Therapy: Group therapy provides a supportive peer environment where children or teens can connect with others facing similar challenges, learn from one another, and develop interpersonal skills.

    Unlocking their Full Potential

    If you’re concerned about your child or teen’s well-being, we’re here to help. Our team of compassionate child psychologists is dedicated to providing effective therapy tailored to the specific needs of young individuals. Take the first step towards supporting your child’s mental health and contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to accompanying your child or teen on their journey towards growth, resilience, and well-being.

      Let's get started.